Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Holiday Party

Saturday, December 10, 2ish
Aimee's House - 745 N Ridgeland Ave, OP
(773) 963-1573
We'll start the party at 2ish. Feel free to come late (Andrea - Sophia's nap time is noted) and/or leave early (Christy - Colin's bed time is noted)...
Everyone bring something to munch on and I'll provide beverages. If we party all night we'll order pizza later on!!

November at Aimee's

Part 2 of Atlas Shrugged
November 7, 2011 at 7:00ish
Warning - My Mom will be in town (and its her birthday - so there will be cake!), but doubt she'll stick around for the conversation.
745 N Ridgeland Ave, OP
(773) 963-1573